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Posted:     Post subject: Polytics

I can think of no prominent polyamorous media commentators or politicians, and never see poly-friendly stories in mainstream print media in my country (New Zealand).
Our laws have recently acknowledged that it breaches human rights to discriminate on s----l gender and preference bases and we have made same-sex marriages lawful. But the inherent prejudice against polyamory and multiple life-relationships still remains.
Bigamy is illegal. The law refuses to even acknowledge the validity of multi-de facto relationships.
Is it different elsewhere?
Does anyone live somewhere that polyamory is accepted, and embraced as a valid lifestyle choice, and who can look to positive and prominent polyamorous role models in the media and in politics?
Is there a political movement that seeks to break our programmed social prejudicesgainst polyamory? Where do I sign up?

Love, WRF

Love the Love that Loves to Love!
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July 2, 2012
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`While there's certainly been more "buzz" about polyamory in the US--some of it even positive!--and I have heard that there are areas in the western US where it is a bit more socially acceptable, I think it's going to be quite some time before it is generally accepted here, and probably a bit more until there's any sort of supporting legal framework. Part of the problem, of course, is the raving religious lunacy that is, unfortunately, still prevalent here. However, I think there's another big obstacle, which is that even among many more liberal-minded folks, there's a suspicion that either "polyamory = cheating" or "polyamory = instant STD." I also have had the sense for a long time that the word "lifestyle" often attached to polyamory might carry some unwanted baggage. I think when people hear "polyamory lifestyle," they often think of something sordid (and the raving religious nuts don't help that with their constant references to "the homosexual lifestyle"). There's a body of research that seems to point to the possibility that humans aren't naturally monogamous to begin with, but I think US culture in general is a long way from even taking such questions seriously.

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