Polyamorous Dating Connexion
Meet Polyamorous Singles!
When you have too much love for just one person and you would like to meet (at least) two other people who do too, that is when you join Polyamorous Dating Connexion.

Polyamorous Dating
Polyamorous Singles Are Looking! Are you?
Polyamorous Dating is one of the largest online dating sites built specifically to connect poly singles. If you prefer polyamorous relationships, then this is the site for you (maybe).

Polygamy Personals
Meet New People At Polygamy Personals
Are you looking for the perfect partner(s) for a polygamous relationship/marriage? Polygamy Personals is filled with members who share the same view on love and relationships.

Polygyny Dating
Make a Connection With a Woman Who is into Polygyny!
Many, many people date multiple partners simultaneously in an attempt to find the right connection with the right person. On Polygyny Dating, things are basically the same although there is an understanding and even an expectation that the dating could lead to one man dating two women simultaneously. Beyond simply dating, the site is designed with the idea of connecting these types of like-minded members for something even more serious.

Polyamory Chat City
Find Multiple Dates With Polyamory Chat City!
No one is required to only date one person at a time. At Polyamory Chat City, members are welcome to strike up a conversation with multiple members to see who they connect with. If more than two people connect and want to see what dating would be like, why not? Join and find other open-minded individuals who believe that love is love and who it is shared with (and how many people it is shared with) is defined by consenting adults.

Polyamorous Chatroom
Find People Seeking Polyamory Relationships!
Polyamorous Chatroom is for members who all view relationships the same way, three is NOT a crowd. If you are seeking a long-term relationship with more than one person (simultaneously), then this could be the perfect site for you. Strike up a chat (or two) to see what you think.

Polygamy Chatroom
The Place For Polygamy Chat
If you understand polygamy and it matches the types of relationships you prefer, then signing up on Polygamy Chatroom just makes sense. Meet others who are looking for the same polygamous dating and relationship opportunities you are seeking.

Polyandry Community
For Those Living The Polyandrous Way Of Life!
Looking for a site filled with men and women seeking a polyandrous relationship? If so, Polyandry Community has been designed to connect like-minded members interested in exactly that type of relationship. Connect online to see if there is a fit.

Polyamorous Relationships
Find Polyamorous People
Looking for others who are polyamorous? Hoping to find them in your local area? Polyamorous Relationships may be able to help depending on where you live. If you can't find local people living polyamorously, perhaps this site will help connect you with others slightly past 'local', but not too far away.

Poly Dating Site
"Start Dating Poly Women and Men Today!"
"Connect With People Living and Loving the Poly Lifestyle Near You. See Who is Looking to Add Someone Like You to Their Relationship and Get Together Tonight!"

Polygamy Lifestyle
THE Polygamy Community Site Online
If you are looking for a relationship comprised of more than two people, then Polygamy Lifestyle is perfect for you. Find other like-minded members seeking similar types of relationships.

Polyamorous Singles
Date According To Your Rules
The first step to a successful polyamorous relationship is expressing yourself honestly when dating because if you date someone expecting monogamy, you are dating the wrong person. Once you find someone, or more than one someone, who are open to dating multiple people simultaneously, then after that, it is really just a matter of chemistry. It is a bit trickier than couple dating, but when people are all on the same page, that makes it MUCH easier.

Polygamist Personals
Find New Partners Who Are Ready To Connect!
Dating multiple partners is part of how Polygamist Personals works. First you find someone you connect with and after that, the two of you find someone you both connect with. It really isn't rocket science. It might be socially unconventional, but that doesn't make it wrong. If it is right for the parties involved, then that is all that matters.

Polyandry Dating
Date Polyandry Singles Now!
While it is not uncommon for dating site to have more men than women, it actually works to everone's benefit on Polyandry Dating where women are actively looking to date more than one man. In this site, the men know 'what's up' and are also looking for this type of relationship.

Polygamist Lifestyle
Meet Local Polygamists!
If you are looking for a relationship where you split the dessert three ways at the end of a dinner out, then Polygamist Lifestyle could be the site for you. Meet others seeking the same type of relationship and avoid societal pressure to pick a singular other person to settle down with.
Sister Wives
The Polygamy Dating Platform
Sister Wives is a well designed site built to help connect individuals who all share the same desire for a very specific type of relationship. If you are looking to add a 'Sister Wife' into your relationship, or you are looking to be a 'Sister Wife', then what better site to join than this one?
Polygamy Personals
" is a non-religious site for good people seeking polygamy (or, more specifically, polygyny)."
*Sites listed on this page are a combination of ads, affiliate related Sites and general non-partnership related sites that match the theme of Polyamorous Passions.