We have been married for four and a half years, dated two and a half years before that, and were friends for two years prior. We were married in May, sometimes on May the fourth be with you and sometimes on Revenge of the fifth

We live in northeast Mississippi.
We are big on gaming, especially PC/MMOs(WoW, Guild Wars 2, SWTOR, FFXIV, Archeage(meh)).
She works at a hospital. I have a degree in computers and am studying for my certifications.
We're very open-minded, but no drugs, smoking, excessive alcohol, etc.
Interests - Gaming, Computers, MMOs, Furry, Some dark humor, Some b d s m, Disney movies, Text-based Roleplay i.e. In-game/Forum/Wordpad, Singing, Music, Night-owl, Easy-going, Soccer, Volleyball, Science, History